Hepatitis C, Association of Diabetes Mellitus and Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection | Hepatitis Central

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Association of Diabetes Mellitus and Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection


table  3.   Characteristics of Diabetic Cohort Assessed by EIA II for Anti-HCV Status

Clinical Features Anti-HCV Status

Negative (n = 569) Positive (n = 25)

Mean age (yr) (SD) 62 (14) 59 (15) .37*
Sex (%)
  Female 260 (46) 13 (52) .54
  Male 309 (54) 12 (48)
Race origin (%)dagger gif
  White 371 (70) 12 (50) .26
  African 149 (26) 11 (46)
  Asian 14 (3) 1 (4)
  Hispanic 4 (1) 0 (0)
Liver function tests (%)
  None available 32 (6) 1 (4) <.0001
  Always normal 335 (59) 8 (32)
  Intermittently abnormal 173 (30) 8 (32)
  Always abnormal 29 (5) 8 (32)

* t test.
dagger gif The discrepancy in numbers compared with total population size is due to records without data on race.

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