Overall Performance of 12 Tests for Antibody to HEV | Table 6 | Hepatitis Central

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Evaluation of Assays for Antibody to Hepatitis E Virus by a Serum Panel

table  6.   Overall Performance of 12 Tests for Antibody to HEV

Test Overall Sensitivity* Limit of Detection
by Endpoint Dilutiondagger

1 44 (96) 1:80 45 (98)
2 45 (98) 1:160 57 (93)
3 45 (98) 1:20 48 (79)
4 38 (83) 1:10 60 (98)
5 41 (89) 1:20 61 (100)
6 31 (67) 1:40 61 (100)
7 42 (91) 1:160 58 (95)
8 33 (72) 1:20 60 (98)
9 7 (15) Unknown 51 (84)
10 11 (24) 1:0 61 (100)
11 11 (24) 1:5 61 (100)
12 26 (57) 1:10 60 (98)

* No. (%) reactive among 46 positive sera (29 known positive sera and 17 blood donor sera previously reactive by at least 2 assays [tests 1, 6, and 7]).
dagger Early convalescent human serum diluted with normal human serum.
Dagger No. (%) nonreactive among 61 negative sera (22 known negative sera and 39 blood donor sera previously nonreactive by at least 2 assays [tests 1, 6, and 7]).

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