Clinical Features of Hepatitis C-Infected Patients With Persistently Normal Alanine Transaminase Levels in theSouthwestern United States | Hepatitis Central

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Clinical Features of Hepatitis C-Infected Patients With Persistently Normal Alanine Transaminase Levels in the Southwestern United States

table  3.   Symptoms and Comorbid Diseases in Both Groups

No. of
Normal ALT

Abnormal ALT

N = 75 N = 200

Depression 28% 38% .08
Fatigue 62% 71% NS
RUQ pain 13% 17% NS
Weakness 49% 49% NS
RA 12% 10% NS
DM 5% 8% NS
CAD 5% 5% NS
CRF 2% 1% NS
CHF 1% 1% NS

Abbreviations: RA, rheumatoid arthritis; DM, diabetes mellitus; CAD, coronary artery disease; CRF, chronic renal failure; CHF, congestive heart failure.

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