Cost-Effectiveness of Ultrasound-Guided Liver Biopsy | Hepatitis Central

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Cost-Effectiveness of Ultrasound-Guided Liver Biopsy Table 6

Cost-Effectiveness of Ultrasound-Guided Liver Biopsy

table 6

Cost-Effectiveness of Ultrasound-Guided Liver Biopsy

Code Cost Item Allowed Charges ($)

Estimated cost of minor complication (outpatient treatment)
Emergency Department visit 79
CPT 99283 Physician’s fee (20 min) 60
CPT 74022 Radiograph (facility and physician) 63
CPT 76705 Abdominal ultrasonography (limited) 299
Medication (analgesic) 13
Laboratory tests
CPT 85007   Complete blood count 24
CPT 81001   Urinalysis 25
Total 562
Estimated cost of major complication
DRG 452 Complication of procedure 4,546
CPT 99222 Initial hospital service, new or established, level 2 83
CPT 99232 Subsequent hospital service, new or established, level 2, 3.5 d 135
CPT 99238 Hospital discharge day management 43
Total 4,808
CPT 47000 Percutaneous liver biopsy 125
Facility fee 215
CPT 88304 Pathology fee 31
Total 372
CPT 47000 Percutaneous liver biopsy 125
Facility fee 215
CPT 76942 Ultrasound guidance 93
CPT 88304 Pathology fee 31


NOTE. Facility fee is billed by the hospital.Abbreviations: CPT, current procedural terminology (used for payment of physician services); DRG, diagnosis related group (used for hospital reimbursement).

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