Hepatitis C, Cryptogenic Cirrhosis: Clinical Characterization and Risk Factors for Underlying Disease | Hepatitis Central

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Cryptogenic Cirrhosis: Clinical Characterization and Risk Factors for Underlying Disease

table  1.   Demographic, Clinical, and Laboratory Parameters of 70 Patients With Cryptogenic Cirrhosis

Parameter Total
Prior Blood
(+/- NASH
IAH Score
>= 10 With No
Prior Blood Tx
(+/- NASH
NASH Risks
Only (IAH
Score <10 and
No Prior
Blood Tx)
No Risk

N 70 19 19 25 7
Age (yr)  63 ± 11  61 ± 11  65 ± 10  62 ± 11  68 ± 12
Female 49 (70%) 16 (84%) 17 (89%) 12 (48%) 4 (57%)
DM or obesity* 51 (73%) 14 (74%) 12 (63%) 25 (100%) 0 (0%)
Diabetes mellitus 37 (53%) 8 (42%) 10 (53%) 19 (76%) 0 (0%)
Marked obesity* 33 (47%) 11 (58%) 8 (42%) 14 (56%) 0 (0%)
Prior blood Tx 19 (27%) 19 (100%) 0 0 0
IAH score  8 ± 2  7 ± 3 11 ± 1  7 ± 2  8 ± 1
Solvent exposure 5 1 1 2 1
Family Hx liver disease 13 (19%) 1 (5%) 5 (25%) 6 (24%) 1 (14%)
Family history autoimmune disease 15 (21%) 4 (21%) 2 (11%) 8 (32%) 1 (14%)
AST (7-40 IU/L)  60 ± 54  63 ± 86  67 ± 49  51 ± 26  61 ± 30
ALT (6-65 IU/L)  46 ± 37  44 ± 41  52 ± 47  41 ± 26  48 ± 27
AST/ALT ratio  1.5 ± 0.9  1.3 ± 0.4  1.8 ± 1.2  1.5 ± 0.9  1.7 ± 0.8
AP (38-126 IU/L) 148 ± 71 154 ± 85 141 ± 69 163 ± 79 134 ± 52
ANA (>= 1:40) 31 (44%) 6 (32%) 16 (80%) 8 (32%) 1 (14%)
IgGdagger (694-1618 mg/dL) 1,719 ± 704 1,737 ± 635 1,846 ± 807 1,661 ± 614 1,230 ± 318
IgAdagger (68-378 mg/dL)  588 ± 405  617 ± 397  559 ± 426  590 ± 385  325 ± 161
IgG/IgA ratio  3.6 ± 1.7  3.5 ± 1.9  3.9 ± 1.6  2.9 ± 1.5  4.2 ± 1.4
A1A PI typeDagger : MZ, MS, MF, SS 14/42 (33%) 2/10 (20%) 6/15 (40%) 4/14 (29%) 2/3 (67%)
Abnormal Fe indices§ 11 (16%) 1 (5%) 3 (16%) 6 (24%) 1 (14%)
Prior abnormal liver enzymes (known) 20 (29%) 5 (26%) 5 (26%) 10 (32%) 0 (0%)
Liver-related deathparallel 9 (13%) 2 (11%) 3 (16%) 4 (16%) 0 (0%)
Hepatoma 1 (1.4%) 1 (5.2%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

NOTE. The first column shows data from all of the patients. The remaining four columns show comparison data between the patients after dividing into four major risk groups. DM reflects Type 2 diabetes mellitus.
* Marked obesity was defined as BMI >31.1 male, BMI >32.3 female (95th percentiles).
dagger Quantitative immunoglobulins were performed in 52 patients.
Dagger alpha 1-Antitrypsin phenotyping was performed in 42 patients.
§ Eleven patients had abnormal iron indices (either elevated ferritin or iron saturation), but none had histological evidence of hemochromatosis.
parallel Liver-related deaths refer to deaths during the approximately 3-year data-collection period that were known to be related to cirrhosis.

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