Hepatitis C, Determinants of Outcome of Compensated Hepatitis C Virus-Related Cirrhosis | Hepatitis Central

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Determinants of Outcome of Compensated Hepatitis C Virus-Related Cirrhosis

table  2.   Univariate and Multivariate Analyses of Prognostic Factors for HCC Occurrence

Variable Number of Patients Univariate Analysis

Multivariate Analysis

P* Relative RiskDagger (95% CI) Pdagger Relative RiskDagger (95% CI)

Transfusion No 44
Yes 59 .03 6.7 (0.9-52.5) NS  ---
Alk. Ph. <= 87 IU/L 83
>87 IU/L 20 .01 5.9 (1.7-20.2) NS  ---
Prothrombin time >= 63% 86
<63% 17 .0004 6.6 (2-22) NS   ---
IFN Yes 59
  No 44 .0006 7.8 (2-29.7) .02 6.0 (1.3-28.7)

Abbreviations: NS, not significant; CI, confidence interval; Alk. Ph., alkaline phosphatase.
* P values were obtained by using the log-rank test.
dagger P values were obtained by using Cox regression analysis.
Dagger Relative risks were calculated by comparing classes with Cox regression analysis.

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